CSR strives to be responsible and ethical, providing good returns for shareholders, and a safe and satisfying workplace for its people. But we have an equally strong responsibility to the broader community, by being a good corporate citizen, and helping to make our world a better place.
Good community relations benefit both CSR and the communities in which we operate. The way we manage our safety, health, and environmental and community responsibilities is a good indication of how well we manage our businesses as a whole. We cannot be a high performing organisation unless we get this right.
CSR Community Support Program
The CSR Community Support Program is an initiative that provides an opportunity for all CSR employees to make a donation to a group of selected charities direct from their pre-tax pay. Donations are processed through the CSR payroll, which enables employees to receive a guaranteed tax deduction.
CSR is committed to supporting each of the charities involved in the program by matching all employee contributions on a dollar for dollar basis. During its sixteen years of operation, the program has donated over $3.200 million to charity. In the year ending 31 March 2019, CSR and its employees donated a total of $158,368.82 through the Community Support program.
Working in the Community
CSR works with the Australian Business and Community Network (ABCN), a partnership of highly committed national business leaders and companies working on mentoring and coaching programs in schools in high needs areas.
For the year to 31 March 2019, 96 employees, mentored 519 students and school leaders, from eight schools and volunteered 633 hours.

Assistance Dogs
Assistance Dogs Australia, a national charity, trains Labradors and Golden Retrievers to help people with physical disabilities. They currently have over 90 dogs all around Australia, with over 50 dogs currently in training. The charity requires significant funding to achieve its goal of placing at least 30 dogs per year with recipients.
These dogs undertake everyday tasks such as opening doors, pressing the button to cross the road, picking up dropped items but most of all they offer a form of confidence and independence to someone in the community.

Youth Off The Streets
Youth off the Streets is a youth-specific charity, assisting young people dealing with issues of substance and other abuse, alienation from family and community and homelessness. YOTS offer a continuum of care from assistance on the streets; crisis and short term accommodation to long term residential care, treatment and secondary schooling.
CSR was a principal partner with Youth off the Streets assisting them to build the Koch Centre for Youth at Macquarie Fields in western Sydney, which was opened in 2011. CSR provided a significant amount of technical building expertise and building products such as Gyprock plasterboard, Bradford insulation, Cemintel fibre cement, Viridian glass, Ceilector ceiling tiles, Alutri panels, Edmonds ventilation and Rondo stud and track to help realise Fr Chris Riley's ambition of building a centre for disadvantaged youth.

The Salvation Army
A national charity, offering caring support for every problem “from the cradle to the grave.” Their services are as wide-ranging and diverse as the areas of need in the community. They offer services to aged care, crisis accommodation, suicide prevention, youth and families at risk, telephone counselling to name just a few.

Voluntary community Service
CSR acknowledges the voluntary community service contribution of its employees in crisis situations and subsidises wages for employees who participate in emergency service groups. CSR seeks to ensure that employees are treated fairly when they volunteer for community service in crisis situations during normal working hours where such leave of absence is not covered by awards or legislation.